Winter Coat DRIVE - Malton Moms

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On Saturday November 14th from 11 - 2 pm ( please note the change in date from the Malton Mirror article) the Malton Moms will be hosting a drop-off collecting new and gently used winter items for the Winter Coats of Peel Program.

The DROP OFF Hub will be a mobile location - we are meeting at the back of the Malton Community Centre, 3540 Morningstar Drive, Malton.

Please bring your items to the back parking lot, near the park. A beige Mazda MPV Minivan, License BECK 961 will be there to pick up your items.

We are looking for: (new and gently used and clean)

- winter jackets

- snowpants

- boots

- shoes

- hats, scarves, mitts and gloves

Monetary Donations to both Malton Moms and the Winter Coat Program of Peel are also most welcome.

Bundle up! BRRRR....,

The Malton Moms Collective :)

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